Home Symbols Math List
Math List
All symbols collections for future, to make your reference future application.
Symbol | Name | Since | JavaScript |
― | Horizontal bar for division | ~1300 | |
+ | Plus sign | 1360 | |
- | Minus sign | 1489 | |
√ | Radical symbol | 1525 | |
(...) | Parentheses | 1544 | |
= | Equals | 1557 | |
. | Decimal separator | 1593 | |
× | Multiplication sign | 1618 | |
± | Plus–minus sign | 1628 | |
ⁿ√ | Radical symbol for nth root | 1629 | |
< | Strict inequality less-than | 1631 | |
> | Strict inequality greater-than | 1631 | |
xʸ | Superscript notation | 1636 | |
x | Use of the letter x for an independent variable or unknown value | 1637 | |
% | Percent sign | 1650 | |
∞ | Infinity sign | 1655 | |
÷ | Division sign | 1659 | |
≤ | Unstrict inequality less-than sign | 1670 | |
≥ | Unstrict inequality greater-than sign | 1670 | |
d | Differential sign | 1675 | |
∫ | Integral sign | 1675 | |
: | Colon for division | 1684 | |
· | Middle dot for multiplication | 1698 | |
⁄ | Division slash | 1718 | |
≠ | Inequality sign | unknown | |
x' | Prime symbol for derivative | 1748 | |
Σ | Summation symbol | 1755 | |
∝ | Proportionality sign | 1768 | |
∂ | Partial differential sign | 1770 | |
≡ | Identity sign | 1801 | |
[x] | Integral part (aka floor) | 1808 | |
! | Factorial | 1808 | |
Π | Product symbol | 1812 | |
⊂ | Set subset of | 1817 | |
⊃ | Set superset of | 1817 | |
|...| | Absolute value notation | 1841 | |
‖...‖ | Matrix notation | 1843 | |
∩ | Intersection | 1888 | |
∪ | Union | 1888 | |
∈ | Membership sign | 1894 | |
{...} | Curly brackets for set notation | 1895 | |
∃ | Existential quantifier (there exists) | 1897 | |
· | Dot product | 1902 | |
× | Cross product | 1902 | |
∨ | Logical disjunction (aka OR) | 1906 | |
(...) | Matrix round bracket notation | 1909 | |
[...] | Matrix square bracket notation | 1909 | |
∀ | Universal quantifier (for all) | 1935 | |
∅ | Empty set sign | 1939 | |
⌊x⌋ | Greatest integer ≤ x (aka floor) | 1962 | |
⌈x⌉ | Smallest integer ≥ x (aka ceiling) | 1962 |
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